Thursday, July 12, 2007

Open My Heart


On the wings of music,
I fly
Above an ocean of thoughtful dreams,
Like a drunken seagull splashing
In the waves.
I dive,
In a fearless swoop and splash
For a glutton's ransom
Among the glittering multitude
Of harmony's blessing.
I cry my delight,
And a thousand thousand voices answer
As one.
Ah, eternal song,
I hear the voices of heaven singing
In rich tumult.
Sing the triumphs of heaven's sigh,
Whisper the joys of lover's delights,
Shout the beauty of the world's turning,
Music and madness and love unending,
My heart, my self, my soul,
Given gladly,
For the gift of song.

Nancy France

Sunday, July 08, 2007

Rain Dance

I like going outside
just before the deluge hits,
when you can smell the rain in the air,
wind blowing everywhere.
when the air smells of ice cream
and green leaves.

I venture out uncaring,
out in a nightgown, if I can
(just the gown)
The air takes liberties with me,
blowing under and over and thru me
and the thunder rumbles like my heart beating,
and the trees sing with the wind,
and all else is quiet
except for the approaching storm.
Even the summer cicadas silence their song in reverence
to the approaching weight
of rain-laden wind.

And I, embracing
Dancing as I stand,
leaning into wind’s caress
with arms outstretched and worshiping
Rain’s outrider,

by Me,

July 2007

Summer Song

I heard summer’s song begin
In cicada chorus within the trees,
With dancing leaves
Swaying to soft warm breeze,
In courtship calls of low croaking toad,
To the high sung peeps of treetop frog,
Summer sang its song today,
Just as the sun slipped away.

by Me, June 2007